My Passion
I now believe, and have repeatedly demonstrated, that these strategies and methods can be taught to anyone sharing this same passion.
It is no accident or coincidence that I am using and teaching strategies for resolution of the effects of trauma resulting from the birth journey.
Born in 1947, the medical attitude, at that time (unfortunately not much improved since) toward babies and the birth process, was very disconnected from trust in the instinctual and inherent wisdom of the “feminine” and any sense that newborn babies were conscious beings. It was very much dominated by “medical-patriarchy”, “scientific-reductionism” and the “religion of scientism”, to the extent that very often babies weren’t even given anesthetic protection during surgeries, “because their nervous systems aren’t developed enough to remember and any reaction they might appear to have is only reflexive”, (fortunately, today, this attitude has changed).
My own birth was extremely brutal in many ways, and long (72+ hours). My body was, according to my parents, “black and blue from head to toe”. Due to the drugs used for my mother’s comfort (not used anymore), my breathing stopped numerous times, requiring resuscitation, and I was kept in the hospital for 60 days, essentially separated from my mother, after my birth.
So, in retrospect, my subconscious draw throughout my professional life, and even my choice of professions, has continuously lead in the direction of working with traumatized newborns. The hundreds of babies, I have subsequently worked with over my 40+ years in practice, have guided me on this path and have taught me how to be with them. So teaching (since 1989), and sharing what I have learned, is my passion and a natural extension on my path.