(707) 566 – 7396

Chiropractor | Cranial Sacral Practitioner
International Cranial Sacral Teacher

(707) 566 – 7396 • 1212 Farmers Lane, Suite 2, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Some of our specialties are:

Neck, Back and Joint Health

Birth Trauma (Newborns and Children)

Tongue Tie (Newborns)

Jaw Problems (TMJ/TMD) and Skull Injuries

At Dr. Hertenstein’s office in Santa Rosa, CA, he works with a range of physical issues that respond well to traditional Chiropractic care in combination with Cranial-Sacral work.

Dr. Hertenstein has been in active, full-time, practice since 1972, in both California and Minnesota. He also has over 40 years experience as a Cranial-Sacral practitioner. Dr. Hertenstein has trained hundreds of Chiropractors, internationally, through board certified Cranial-Sacral trainings. See “About Cranial-Sacral Work” to learn more about receiving Cranial-Sacral work in his Santa Rosa, Ca, office, or go to “Cranial Trainings” to find out more about trainings for Chiropractors and other practitioners.

Dr. Hertenstein’s own, personal, birth trauma explorations led him into the study of “Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Health” www.birthpsychology.com and he has incorporated these insights into his work. This awareness has contributed to his understanding of how our birth journey can impact our lives.

There is good international and interdisciplinary research showing how imprints from birth experiences may relate to lifelong emotional and physical health issues. Cranial-Sacral work, in conjunction with “Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Health” concepts and insights, constitute a very gentle and powerful therapeutic methodology for helping babies, children and families resolve many birth related issues.

Tongue Tie

Tongue tie is the latest “fad” in the birthing world and the “corrective revision” procedure is a traumatic event for the little one, no matter what they tell you.

The actual anatomical condition used to be extremely rare, until the last few years, at which time many expensive seminars suddenly appeared for dentists, lactation consultants and others in and out of the birthing field, “informing” them in how to supposedly “correct” the problem.

There is such a thing as “Functional” Tongue Tie which is now way too frequently being misdiagnosed as anatomical “frenulum tongue tie” needing the “revision” procedure.


“Functional Tongue Tie” and Treatment

Birth is always a stressful event, from the baby’s point of view. When any of us are heavily stressed our jaw muscles (“muscles of mastication” ) become tight and when that happens all the muscles of the mouth and throat ( tongue included ) become tight as well, as they are neurologically and myofascially “hardwired” together.

There are procedures available, by appropriately trained and skilled practitioners, to help alleviate this physiological stress condition in newborns without surgery, and, of course, invasive surgery should always be avoided if possible.

Dr. Hertenstein does not use traditional, high velocity “Chiropractic adjustments” on babies. The gentle techniques of Cranial-Sacral work are more suitable, and very effective, for such sensitive and vulnerable little one’s, especially when they have been traumatized on their birth journey. These techniques do not hurt and the work is very gentle. Seldom does the pressure exceed five grams(the weight of a nickel).


Dr. Hertenstein is one of the most skilled chiropractors and cranial practitioners I know.  I have been a holistic health practitioner for 26 years, a frequent patient of Dr. H, and have referred hundreds of clients to him.  My clients have been overwhelmingly thrilled with the results. When my neck goes out, Dr H. is the one who can fix it, and if I start to clench my teeth and have some TMJ, Dennis is the master of cranial work, and one session does the trick. I can’t recommend Dr. Hertenstein highly enough.

Jane Pritchard
Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, Santa Rosa, CA

Dr. Hertenstein was recommended to us after our 10.3 lb daughter Willow was stuck during delivery, resulting in a stunned shoulder and a right arm she could not use. His high level of intuition put my wife and I at ease immediately, and completely calmed our fears. After one visit Willow gained use of her arm, and had full use by visits 2-3. She is now an active 2 year old who shows no signs of the trauma. With our next child on the way, we are planning to take them all to Dr. H no matter how they arrive.

In Gratitude, Andrew Rosengrant